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Suu Kyi should resign: Paul David Hewson Bono

Paul David Hewson Bono is the lead singer of the world famous Irish rock band 'U-Two'

The Dhaka Times Desk Paul David Hewson Bono, lead singer of the Irish rock band 'You-Two', believes that Myanmar's leader Aung San Suu Kyi should resign to protest the persecution of Rohingya Muslims.

সু চির পদত্যাগ করা উচিত: পল ডেভিড হিউসন বোনো 1

Paul David Hewson Bono, the lead singer of the world-famous Irish rock band 'You-Two', thinks that the country's leader Aung San Suu Kyi should resign to protest the persecution of Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar.

Aung San Suu Kyi was under house arrest by this renowned musician who played a role in garnering public support for her. In 2000, Bono's song 'Walk On', supported by Suu Kyi, became a worldwide hit.

In an interview given to the US weekly magazine Rolling Stone, Bono said, 'I feel really uncomfortable. The reason is that everything is clear, the ethnic cleansing of the Rohingya is going on in Rakhine. Suu Kyi knows it. This is why he should resign.'

Bono was interviewed by Jane Wenner, founder of Rolling Stone magazine. Arguing for Suu Kyi's resignation, Bono said Aung San Suu Kyi should at least open up more about this (Rohingya issue). If no one hears it, then he should resign outright.

Bono also suggests that Suu Kyi may not want a return to military rule in Myanmar as a reason for Suu Kyi's stance on the Rohingya. That may be why he is silent.

Notably, Nobel Peace Prize laureate Aung San Suu Kyi was under house arrest for nearly two decades during the military junta in Myanmar. At that time Suu Kyi also got the support of many stars including Bono. But Suu Kyi's support has gradually dropped to a minimum in the context of the persecution of the Rohingya.
