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The Israeli Parliament has changed the map of Jerusalem!

In this way, the Israeli Parliament has advanced another step in the implementation of the 'Greater Jerusalem' plan

The Dhaka Times Desk The Israeli Parliament changed the map of Jerusalem. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's Likud Party introduced the Greater Jerusalem Bill on Monday morning.

জেরুজালেমের মানচিত্র পাল্টিয়ে ফেলেছে ইসরায়েলি পার্লামেন্ট! 1

A majority of members of parliament voted in favor of the bill, which states that Jerusalem is the sole capital of Israel.

In this way, the Israeli Parliament has advanced another step in the implementation of the 'Greater Jerusalem' plan. Israel unilaterally annexed Jerusalem to Israeli territory without regard to international law. That was possible only because of the open support of US President Donald Trump.

Al-Jazeera said 64 votes were cast in favor of the proposed bill during the parliamentary vote. On the other hand, 52 members opposed this bill.

Because of this bill, the Israeli government will no longer be accountable to or negotiate with anyone to implement any plans in Jerusalem. Also, the Jewish settlements in the West Bank will also be considered Israeli territory.

The bill would leave Jerusalem undivided, establishing Israeli territories.

On the other hand, after the passage of this bill, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas declared the Jerusalem bill illegal in the Israeli parliament and raised the matter to the International Court of Justice. He said that they will take all legal measures to protect the existence of the Palestinian people.

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