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Fatah has called for all-out resistance to protect Jerusalem

The Muslim world sees Trump's decision as an attempt to legitimize Israel's occupation

The Dhaka Times Desk After US President Donald Trump declared Jerusalem the capital of Israel, anger and protests spread all over the world. This time, the country's ruling party, Fatah, has called for all-out resistance to protect Jerusalem.

জেরুজালেম রক্ষায় সর্বাত্মক প্রতিরোধের ডাক দিয়েছে ফাতাহ 1

The Muslim world sees Trump's decision as an attempt to legitimize Israel's occupation. Meanwhile, there were protests in Palestine on Monday for the fifth consecutive day. Protests against the US decision continue in various countries of the Muslim world.

Protesters burn US flags

Meanwhile, several protesters have been injured in violence in front of the US embassy in Beirut, the capital of Lebanon. The country's ruling Fatah party has called for all-out resistance following an 'intifada' called by Hamas to protest Trump's decision to claim Jerusalem as the Palestinian capital. This pro-independence party now has the power to rule Palestine.

Fatah said in a statement that the protests must continue. Where Israeli forces are found in the West Bank, they must be confronted.

জেরুজালেম রক্ষায় সর্বাত্মক প্রতিরোধের ডাক দিয়েছে ফাতাহ 2

Two people have been killed and thousands injured so far in the protest and demonstration program that started last Thursday. The casualties occurred in clashes with Israeli law enforcement forces.

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