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Better not to 'search' on Google!

It would be wise not to search for a few things

The Dhaka Times Desk Better not to 'search' on Google! Because by doing this you can get into many problems or danger. Find out today.

Every day we search about different things on Google. But it would be wise not to search for a few things. Find out about the issues today.

# symptoms of various diseases

I search on Google for various health related symptoms and cures. Avoid doing this. These websites may not be operated by specialist physicians. So knowing the wrong information can confuse you.

# Cancer

The symptoms of many minor diseases can sometimes coincide with major diseases like cancer. For example, when problems such as dizziness, weakness, nausea etc. occur, many people look for the cause on Google. That's why many people may panic even though they don't have cancer.

# terrorist activities

Searching on topics related to various terrorist activities, such as how bombs are made
etc. Common people are already curious about these things. However, the country's security and drug control agencies always keep a strict watch on such searches. It is possible to catch the IP address of all these searches in the companies' databases. So be careful.

# Childbearing

Pregnant women often want to Google the entire process before delivery. It shouldn't at all. This can cause women to panic unnecessarily.

# own name

Many of us search on Google with our own name. But the worst thing is, you may have seen something about your name on Google, which may be completely unexpected. This will unnecessarily increase your problem, not reduce the book.

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