The Dhaka Times
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The people of the village are sleeping for 6 consecutive days!

It sounds like quite a story

The Dhaka Times Desk A village has been found that the people of the village sleep for 6 days straight! It's really surprising!

যে গ্রামের মানুষরা ঘুমিয়ে থাকে টানা ৬ দিন! 1

A village has been found where the people of the village sleep for 6 consecutive days and then wake up. It sounds like quite a story. The people of the village are sleeping day after day! Not one day or two, but 6 days in a row! Suddenly they are falling asleep. Sleep is coming to their eyes while walking on the way.

According to reports published in the media, the name of this strange village is Kalachi. Such a problem has occurred in this remote village of Kazakhstan for four years. Suddenly the people there are sitting in the dark. However, no one dies in such a sleep. After several days, the sleep is suddenly broken.

But this is not the case for everyone, some people are having such an experience. Not only sleep, but waking up from sleep, they tell about all the amazing visual illusions. Someone who looked at the other found the third eye! Someone is seeing something even weirder. Even the doctors were shocked.

Finally the real story has come out. This is not a miracle, the real event behind it is probably 'villain' radioactivity. There is a uranium mine very close to that village. The people of Kalachi village fell into such a strange state of sleep because of the radiation from that mine.

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