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From now on, the smartphone can be operated with a gesture!

Matt Reynolds and Shwetak Patel, associate professors of electrical engineering and computer science at the University of Washington, have been working on this technology for a long time.

The Dhaka Times Desk And the touch of the fingers will not be needed. From now on, the smartphone can be operated with a gesture! The discovery of such a technology brings good news for smartphone users.

এখন থেকে ইশারাতেই চালানো যাবে স্মার্টফোন! 1

According to news media, the smartphone will work by gesture with the help of 'wireless sensing technology' developed by American scientists. A group of researchers in Washington has been working on wireless sensing technology for a long time.

According to researchers, 3-D gesture sensing technology is currently being used in several smartphones through cameras. But it drains the battery quickly. The movement needs to be visible to the smartphone camera to detect the gesture. If this new technology is discovered, it can be run on a very small battery, moreover, this smartphone can understand gestures from any side!

Matt Reynolds and Shwetak Patel, associate professors of electrical engineering and computer science at the University of Washington, have been working with this technology for a long time.

When someone makes a phone call or uses an app over the Internet, the phone sends radio waves over the cellular network to communicate with the cellular base station, the researchers said. In this new technology, multiple small antennas can pick up those reflected signals and instruct the smartphone to act accordingly. The researchers named this project 'sideswipe'. This new discovery brings good news for smartphone users.

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