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Muslims will outnumber Jews in the United States

Jews are currently the second largest population in the United States

The Dhaka Times Desk All over the world, Muslims are being persecuted. Ordinary Muslims have to bear the responsibility for the terrorist activities of some individuals. They are being harassed in various ways. But now the news has come out that Muslims will surpass Jews in the United States.

যুক্তরাষ্ট্রে ইহুদিদের ছাড়িয়ে যাবে মুসলিমরা 1

Jews are currently the second largest population in the United States. However, in the next two decades, ie in 2040, Muslims will surpass them and come to the second position.

Such information has emerged in a new research report. According to research data, the number of Muslims in the United States is about 3.75 million. That is 1.1 percent of the total population of the United States.

The research data also said that in the next two decades, the number of Muslims will stand at 1.8 percent. Then the number of Muslims will be more than 8 million. On the other hand, the number of Jews will stand at 1.4 percent.

Earlier in 2015, a study showed that the number of Muslims in the United States is 1 percent of the total population. On the other hand, the Jewish population is 1.8 percent. 5 years ago this number of Muslims was 0.9 percent.

The number of Muslims in the United States is increasing by 1 lakh every year. Especially after 2007, this population is increasing at a higher rate. A new research report cites rapid population growth and migration as reasons for the rise in Muslim population in the country.

The largest religious community in the United States is the Christian community. In the United States, Christians make up 71 percent of the total population.

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