The Dhaka Times
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This woman spends 17 lakhs every month!

Get 5 lakhs for hand expenses. Get another 12 lakhs for decoration and decoration. How did he fly so much money with both hands? What is his identity?

The Dhaka Times Desk The woman you see in the picture spends 17 lakhs per month! How is this possible? And he gets so much money from where? There are many answers to such questions in this report.

এই নারী প্রতি মাসে খরচ করেন ১৭ লাখ টাকা! 1

He gets 5 lakh taka per month for expenses. Get another 12 lakhs separately for decoration and decoration. Naturally, the question arises that, how does he fly with so much money? What is his identity?

Whose life from the beginning is like a fairy tale wrapped in a soft fluffy blanket. The teenage girl is Saffron Drewitt-Barlow. However, he is not the star of any Hollywood movie. He is the surrogate child of two gay fathers Barry and Tony Drewitt-Barlow! They have filled the girl with wealth and love since birth. Any kind of analogy does not apply to it. The price of her hand ring is more than 3 crore rupees. A daily newspaper has given such news.

It is known that the clothes he wears one day, he does not wear them the next time! New clothes as well as new shoes and bags are always reserved for her.

Although he does not sit idly by. He has already started his own business. Started the skin cosmetics business with a capital of 8 crore rupees.

On his 18th birthday, both fathers gifted him two expensive Range Rovers. The value of those two cars is around 10 crore rupees. Saffron flew from Florida to England to feed friends on his birthday. Saffron went there because in Florida you can't drink alcohol until you're 21.

But Saffron is not alone in such a luxurious life. His 5 other siblings enjoy life in the same way! The picture of such a life paralleling the sweat-smelling life of the Third World is indeed a dream.

But surprisingly, Saffron and his family are from the same planet. But by all appearances, they are inhabitants of another world, this is the story of another planet. But the surprising thing is that this story is true.

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