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Netanyahu's son exposed his father's scandal by drinking alcohol!

The audio recording of that conversation was finally leaked by Israeli radio 'Channel 2 News'.

The Dhaka Times Desk Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's son Yair Netanyahu exposed his father's scandal while drunk!

নেতানিয়াহুর সন্তান মদ খেয়ে বাবার কুকীর্তি ফাঁস করে দিলেন! 1

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's son Yair Netanyahu exposed his father's scandal while drunk!

According to media reports, Yair Netanyahu left a strip club drunk. At this time, he told a friend that father Netanyahu had passed the controversial gas bill for a businessman in exchange for favors.

The audio record of the 2015 conversation between the two friends was finally leaked by the Israeli radio 'Channel 2 News'.

In the audio tape, Netanyahu's son Yair Netanyahu, drunk outside a strip club, tells his friend, "My father passed a controversial bill in parliament that benefits your father." Netanyahu's son's friend's father, Kobi Maymun, is known as the 'gas tycoon'.

In the audio, Yar Netanyahu can be heard saying, "My father passed a $20 billion bill for your father's benefit." Are you fighting for me for 400 shekels?

Israeli daily Haaretz reported that Netanyahu's son and his friend were accompanied by government-sponsored vehicles and security personnel.

It should be noted that the audio tape of the illegal concession to the gas trader was leaked at a time when the Israeli police and other forces are investigating corruption against Netanyahu.

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