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Arab countries suspended aid to the Palestinians!

Since the beginning of this year, these Arab and Gulf countries have refused to release aid to the Palestinians

The Dhaka Times Desk Arab countries have suspended aid to the Palestinians after the US decision! US President Donald Trump's decision to cut aid has an impact on Arab countries as well.

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According to media reports, several Arab and Gulf countries are cutting aid to the Palestinian Authority due to Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas's rejection of the US peace plan for the Middle East. After the Trump administration announced that US aid to Palestinian refugees would be cut in half, these Arab and Gulf nations are suspending rather than increasing aid. Middle East Monitor did not mention that some Arab and Gulf countries are refusing to provide aid to the Palestinians.

According to the report, since the beginning of this year, these Arab and Gulf countries refused to release the aid given to the Palestinians. These countries are now in violation of their pledges at the Arab Conference to continue such aid. The Palestinian Authority is still hoping for help. The reason is that without such aid, it is not possible to meet the basic needs of more than 50 million Palestinian refugees.

Note that Saudi Arabia warned Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas that if Trump does not accept the Middle East peace process, his rule will end. As part of the peace process, after President Trump declared Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, Muslim and Christian leaders in addition to most countries in the world opposed and criticized it. However, led by Saudi Arabia, several Arab and Gulf countries, including Egypt, the Emirates, and Bahrain, are supporting US President Trump's Middle East policy against the Palestinians, which has also been praised by Israel.

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