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The secret of the murder came out because of the selfie!

A young Canadian woman has been accused of murdering her girlfriend

The Dhaka Times Desk Nowadays selfie has become a style. It is also true that many people are losing their lives because of selfies. But this time the secret of the murder came out because of the selfie!

খুনের রহস্য বেরিয়ে এলো সেলফির কারণে! 1

Now after a murder incident, the mystery of the murder unraveled due to the clue hidden in the selfie. A young Canadian woman has been accused of murdering her girlfriend.

Not today, in March 2015, a young woman named Brittany Gargle was murdered at the age of 18. After a selfie of Cheyenne Rose Antoine with Gargle came into the hands of the police, the mystery of the murder was unraveled with the help of that picture. Scheinen was recently convicted of Gargle's murder. The court sentenced Scheinen to 7 years in prison.

It is known that Sheynen posted a selfie on Facebook just a few hours before Gargle's body was recovered. The belt that Scheinen was wearing in that photo was found near Gargle's body. According to a report of the Toronto Sun, these two were very close friends.

After being caught, Scheinen says they had a heated exchange that day. Before that they were drunk together on alcohol and marijuana. Scheinen claims that he does not remember anything that happened after that. But the court ignored his plea and reduced the sentence to 7 years imprisonment.

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