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What to buy second hand and what not to buy

The Dhaka Times Desk Almost all of us have a passion for buying second hand items. But not everything is good to buy second hand. When it comes to quality, durability and money saving, there are some things that are smart to buy second hand and some things that are unwise to buy second hand.


Things that should not be bought second hand:

1. Laptop
Compared to earlier, the price of laptops in the current market is relatively low. There is a lot of competition. It can be seen that after using a laptop for a few years, various problems arise. Key board, touch pad not working properly. High usage also causes problems with various ports. Cooling fan overheating is a big problem of old laptops. Besides, the longer the battery of the laptop is used, the more its durability decreases. Less charge time. You may be buying on sight but if these problems start appearing after few days then the entire money will go down the drain. The most important thing is that no one wants to sell a laptop if there is no problem.

2. Digital camera
In this era, everyone has a hobby of taking pictures. Almost every family has a digital camera. There is no limit to the regret of not being able to capture the beautiful moments on camera. Festival events mean taking pictures is mandatory. So if you don't buy a new one that will do such an important job, there will be a feeling of sadness in your mind. Second hand digital cameras have many problems. There may be a problem with the camera lens, the camera may have fungus, all the functions or switches may not be working properly. So even if you have a small budget, buying a new camera is the smartest thing to do.

3. Camera lens
A digital camera's biggest investment is its lens. The better the camera lens, the better the picture you can take. Moisture and dust damage the lens. Older cameras may have fungus that you may not even notice. So buy the camera lens must be new.

4. Bike helmet
Never second hand where safety concerns are involved. Safety is not compromised. Second hand bike helmets, you may be looking at Ancora new. But there may be many problems inside which are not really understood. One of which can suddenly be life-threatening.

5. shoes
Walking the sidewalk offers a wide variety of attractive shoes at very low prices. While they look chic, you may find them comfortable and durable. If you look carefully, you will realize that they are actually polished old shoes. Most of them have changing soles. With the use of leather shoes, the quality of the leather also decreases. So buying old shoes and buying a useless item are synonymous.

6. hat, cap
Hat cap is made of strong cloth. Leather is also used in very good brands of hats. They cannot be cleaned properly due to the use of hard cloths. Due to the user's sweat and dirt on the body, a kind of sticky color is formed which looks very bad. A hat or cap can also harbor many germs because it is not cleaned. As of old, the hat cap is never right.

7. Blender machine
We use more or less blender machines for blending. Second hand blender machines are available for purchase at old stores. The blade of the blender machine gets damaged while using it. It is foolish to buy the real thing if it is not the same.

8. Wooden furniture
The main problem with buying old wooden furniture is that its defects are not detectable. Pudding covers the damaged parts and repairs the broken parts. But you can't catch it. Cracks are detected in repaired parts after use. Wooden furniture is never usable for long after it is bought second hand.

9. Foam, cotton
We use foam, cotton for sofas, mattresses, cushions, pillows. These two things cannot be bought second hand if you want to get something that works well. Foam, cotton shrinks with repeated use. And nothing durable is available.

10. Vacuum cleaner
Vacuum cleaner is essential for cleaning the house and office. To get good durable work, vacuum cleaner must be bought new. Older vacuum cleaners may not work as well. Frequently perishes.

11. car tires
Tires on old cars tend to wear out. And if it is moving for a long time, it can melt in the heat. It makes sense to use new tires that match the car. Otherwise, after a few days of use, the tire will become a problem.

12. Computer software
Although most people in Bangladesh do not buy and use software. To get good service and proper security one must spend money and use software. Therefore software cannot be bought second hand. Because a software is made for only one PC. You may use cunning but can't get good service.


Things you can buy second hand:

1. bye cycle
Bicycles are becoming very popular these days. Bicycles of different brands and prices are available in the market. Young people are also buying bicycles a lot. The utility of cycling is also increasing day by day. It can be seen that someone may have bought a bicycle and after a few days sold it and bought a brand new one. You will benefit from buying a secondhand bike. Because the bicycle can be easily repaired and other parts of the bicycle are not damaged easily except the tires.

2. book
The main attraction of the book is its writing. People read books to read. So buying new books is never wise. From school-college-university textbooks to stories, novels, poems, foreign literature, you will find all kinds of old books. What is in a new book will also be in an old book. But the price of old books is much less than new books. Of course, those who buy books for decoration have a different story. Old books are the best choice for learning to gain knowledge.

3. the car
The car is the luxury of the upper class. You might be thinking of buying a car. Budget is low. It is not possible to buy a new car. Buy an old model car without thinking. Buying a second hand car will save you a lot of money. But before buying, check whether the engine is in good condition.

4. Office furniture
Buying office furniture second hand is very profitable and affordable. Common big organizations change office furniture regularly. Sells old furniture. In most cases, it is seen that old furniture is sold to enlarge the office space. In this situation, if you want to reduce office expenses, you can buy old office furniture. And these types of office furniture are of good quality.

5. pets
Many people like to pet different animals. Some may have cats, some may have dogs, and some may have pigeons. Buying these pets from the store as new is often out of reach. If you have any pets, you can keep track of them. Many times pets are sold for various reasons. Buy pets from the new shop and buy from the owner will get the same items. But your expenses will decrease.

Buying a new CD-DVD is extremely stupid. In this day and age a CD-DVD can easily be copied and stored. You can certainly buy second hand CD-DVDs of movies, songs, games if you want. You will save money and get what you want.

7. the house
Many middle class families dream of owning a house. Bought many new flats. But the smartest thing to do is to buy an old house. No one is cheated by buying an old house.

8. decoration
Ornaments are the favorite choice of women. Their aristocracy is revealed as if in ornaments. There is no harm in getting good ornaments for less money. Gold jewelery never gets old.

9. musical instrument
Musical instruments are of many types. Many young people buy and sell new musical instruments every day. There is no harm in buying a musical instrument as an old one. With few exceptions, new instruments and old instruments perform similar functions.

10. Sports equipment
Second hand sports equipment can be bought. But before buying, check whether it is durable.

11. Weight lifting equipment
Only conscious people think about their body and exercise regularly. People who exercise regularly need weight lifting equipment. Weightlifting equipment doesn't break down much. Everything is fine except for rust. Weight lifting equipment can definitely be bought second hand.

12. Hand tools
Various types of small appliances are required for household work at home. Eg: screwdriver, pliers, tester etc. You can definitely save them as seconds.

References: Business Insider

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