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Jaya Ahsan is very popular in Kolkata

Jaya Ahsan is on the first list of directors whenever a movie is made based on a different domestic story

The Dhaka Times Desk Jaya Ahsan, a Bangladeshi girl who acted on TV, won wide acclaim once. Now, Jaya Ahsan has gained huge popularity in Kolkata by acting in one Kolkata film after another.

কোলকাতার ব্যাপক জনপ্রিয় জয়া আহসান 1

Jaya Ahsan has become equally popular in Bangladesh and Kolkata. Jaya Ahsan is on the first list of directors whenever a movie is made based on a different domestic story. On the other hand, Jaya also caught the attention of Kolkata cinema. Jaya came to Dhaka a few days ago from Kolkata for a month.

After coming to Dhaka, he went to Sylhet with the whole family. Jaya visited various places in Sylhet from 2nd to 5th February. Jaya was accompanied by her mother Rehana Masood, sister Kanta Karim and sister-in-law. Jaya returned to Dhaka from Sylhet on February 6.

Jaya Ahsan is currently acting in Srijit Mukherjee's 'Ek Je Hila Raja' in Kolkata. He is scheduled to participate in the shooting of the film in Kolkata again this week. Jaya is also acting in the film 'Beauty Circus' directed by Mahmud Didar. It is said that the shooting of this film will resume after the break.

কোলকাতার ব্যাপক জনপ্রিয় জয়া আহসান 2

Jaya told the media that there has been talk about working in several new films. He will inform only when everything is final. This popular actress Jaya is determined to finish the work of the films in hand.

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