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Know the rules and intentions of performing Friday prayers

It is obligatory on every Muslim to offer two rak'ahs of Jumu'ar prayer instead of the Zuhr prayer on Friday.

The Dhaka Times Desk Those who do not offer other prayers also offer Friday prayers. But many people do not know how many rakats of Friday prayers. Know all the things including Niyat today.

জুম্মার নামাজ পড়ার নিয়ম ও নিয়ত জেনে নিন 1

On the day of Jumu'ah, a person who performs ablution and goes to the mosque early in the morning, goes to the mosque on foot (i.e. does not mount anything), sits very close to the imam, listens to the sermon attentively, does not joke about anything, every one of that person Actions include fasting throughout the year and a reward equivalent to staying up all night in worship!

Jumma prayer time

It is obligatory on every Muslim to offer two rak'ahs of Jumu'ar prayer instead of Zuhr prayer on Friday. Its time is during Zohr time. It is better to take a bath on Jumma day, put on clean clothes and attend the mosque immediately after the call to prayer.

How many rakats of Jumma prayer should be performed?

4 rakat Kabalal Juma, then 2 rakat obligatory prayer after recitation of Khutbah, then 4 rakat Ba'dal Juma. However, if there is time, it is better to perform 2 rakat sunnat tahiyatul adhu, 2 rakat sunnat in Dukhlul mosque, 2 rakat sunnatul waqt and nafal prayer. However, those prayers are not related to Friday prayers.

4 Rakat Qablal Jumu'ar Niyyat

Pronunciation: Nawaitu an ushalliya lillahi taala arbaya rakaati chalatil qablal jumuati sunnatu rasulillahi taala, mutawajjihan ila jihatil ka'bati sharifati Allahu akbar.

Niyat in Bengali: For the pleasure of Allah, I am facing the Qabalah and offering 4 rakat Qaballal Juma Sunnah prayers, Allahu Akbar.

Intention of 2 rakat jum'r farz

Pronunciation: Nawaitu an usaqbita an' an jimmati fardujjuhri biadayi rak'atai chalatil jumuati fardullahi ta'ala iqtadaitu bihazaal imami mutawajjihan ila jihatil ka'batish sharifati Allahu akbar.

Niyat in Bengali: I intend to face the Qabalah for the sake of Allah and perform the obligatory Zuhr prayer and pray two rak'ahs of the obligatory Friday prayer behind this imam, Allahu Akbar.

4 Rakat Ba'dal Jum'ar Niyat

Pronunciation: Nawaitu an Ushalliya Lillahi Taala Arbaya Rakaati Chalatil Ba'dal Jumuati Sunnatu Rasulillahi Taala, Mutawajjihan Ila Jihatil Qa'bati Sharifati Allahu Akbar.

Niyat in Bengali: For the pleasure of Allah, I am facing the Qabalah and offering four rak'ahs of Ba'dal Juma Sunnah prayers, Allahu Akbar.

There are several sunnahs on the day of Friday prayers. For example, it is Sunnah to wear new clothes or panjabi if you can, to take khoshbu, to cut your nails.

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