The Dhaka Times
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The human child rescued the dog from the garbage!

The Dhaka Times Desk We often read the case of child rescue, but this time a dog rescued an abandoned child in a garbage heap! The incident happened in Thailand.

dog & Children

The dog named Pui from Thailand discovered a baby girl in a plastic bag in the garbage on the side of the road in Bangkok. He then went to the owner's house with the bag in his mouth and started barking loudly to get his attention. Then the owner's 12-year-old brother's daughter took the bag from the dog's mouth and opened it to discover the small child inside. He was immediately taken to the hospital.

Doctors at the hospital said the baby, who was born prematurely, weighed only four pounds. Authorities are now searching for the child's parents. Now the child is under hospital care. His condition is quite good now. However, five families have already expressed interest in adopting the child.

Local residents said that Pui roams the entire area like an observer. The dog has been presented with a medal and leather collar by Tharua District Red Cross for such a noble deed. And its owner has been given a cash gift of £200. Source: Online

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