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Health Benefits of Doing Pilates Regularly

The Dhaka Times Desk Pilates is a specialized form of exercise. With regular practice, it helps in building a flexible and balanced body, strengthens the muscles, abdominal folds, legs, arms and hips. A German exerciser named Joseph Pilates is the inventor of this special type of exercise. Later its practice spread to Germany, England, America and other countries. From skilled athletes to actors and actresses or from the elderly to new mothers, many women are keeping fit by doing Pilates.


One of the biggest benefits of doing Pilates with the gym is that it brings peace of mind, calms the restless mind. Pilates is currently becoming very popular in India. Many health conscious teenagers are now turning to Pilates.

Joseph Pilates, the father of Pilates, was ill and in poor health as a child. Later he was able to make himself in good health by doing hard sadhana. In his invented Pilates exercise, he mentioned those rules. There are exercises in Pilates that physiotherapists prescribe. These physical exercises result in healing.

Benefits of Pilates:

- Increases flexibility in the body
- Strengthens muscles
– The body's own language
– Good posture
– Improved coordination between different organs

Uniqueness of Pilates:
When people have trouble moving due to back or waist pain, doing Pilates can get rid of the problem. Pilates strengthens the inner muscles of the body while getting the body in an attractive shape. The best part about pilates is that regular pilates activates the small muscles of the body which are inactive in normal exercises.

Why do Pilates?
There is no age limit for doing Pilates. Anyone of any age can do it. Generally, knee or back pain increases with age. If you follow Pilates rules, you can get rid of this problem. But it is good to say that for those who are obese or want to lose weight, Pilates is not the only thing to do. Along with this, some more exercises should be done. Pilates is effective for those who cannot do heavy exercise.

Are there any other exercises needed besides pilates?
Pilates is a supplement to exercise. It will do your heart no good at all. But it will work in addition to cardio exercise. Many Hollywood celebrities do pilates along with regular exercise to keep their body in good shape. But honestly Pilates will never help you lose weight. It only strengthens your spine, hips and abdominal muscles.


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