The Dhaka Times Desk প্রযুক্তির উৎকর্ষতায় কোন কিছুই স্থিতিশীল থাকছে না। আজকাল নতুন পণ্য আসতে না আসতেই তা পুরনো হচ্ছে। প্রতিযোগিতামূলক বাজারে ডেক্সটপ কম্পিউটার যেন বিলুপ্তির পথে। প্রযুক্তি দানব কোম্পানিগুলো জায়গা সাশ্রয়ী এবং স্বল্প আকৃতির পণ্য গবেষণা নিয়ে বিস্তর সময় ব্যয় করছে। ভোক্তা সাধারণ এর পছন্দ অতিকায় আকৃতি থেকে পাতলা এবং একের ভেতর সব কিছু জাতীয় পণ্য পছন্দ করছেন। এরই ধারাবাহিকতায় Del Brings new desktop PC XPS 18 in the market.
Currently, mobile devices are gaining ground. In the era of portable devices and tablets PC manufacturers have to rethink what to do now? Computer design has emerged as an important issue in computer sales. To adapt to the new trends, manufacturers have also taken new paths.
Dell Computing combines current designs to create an all-in-one desktop called the XPS 18. It is said to have all the capabilities of a desktop. Additionally, it is portable. That doesn't mean you can comfortably carry around your desktop like an iPad or Nexus 7 tablet. Yes you might not be able to use it as a desktop in a train or public place but you can use it as a portable like a tablet pc. . But using it in your work area, you can take it anywhere at home to work and play games with kids effortlessly. Suppose you can take the 18.4 inch full HD display to any corner of the house. Again in your bed to surf the net before going to sleep.
The price of such a wonderful desktop XPS 18 will be between $899 (Tk 70,122) and $1350 (Tk 1,05,300) depending on the model. With Intel's Core i5 processor and 8 GB of RAM, it's no less powerful than any desktop today. It supports touch screen with 1920x1080 pixels resolution. The most interesting part is its portable display. Basically this portable display TE will give you a new desktop experience.
Anyone can move around from the display desk. It weighs about 5 pounds which is heavier than a normal tablet. But much bigger and more powerful. The new concept is exciting because of display portability and desktop compatibility. Dell XPS 18 is available in three different models based on configuration.
67,392 Tk ($863.99) Price Quality Hardware Features:
74,880 ($959.99) price hardware features:
1,01,088 Tk ($1295.99) Price Quality Hardware Features:
References: The Tech Journal
This post was last modified on জুন ১৪, ২০১৩ 11:36 pm
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