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Even though he is blind, he is a professional photographer!

We all know that vision is the most important thing for photography

The Dhaka Times Desk He who has no eyes, his world is dark. But a blind person proved that everything is possible if you have the will! Even though he is blind, he is a professional photographer!

অন্ধ হলেও তিনি একজন পেশাদার ফটোগ্রাফার! 1

We all know that vision is the most important thing for photography. Maybe you can say, who does not see with his eyes how to take pictures again? But the story is true. Now a blind professional photographer has been found. By using other senses, he is showing the world's form-juice-color-smell in his camera!

Siliya Karn is the name of the person who accomplished this impossible. This German woman cannot see nature with her eyes, but she can recognize everything with the help of hands, nose and ears. He also chooses his motives by feeling. His photographs are in no way inferior to those of other professionals.

Siliya Korn says, when I walk alone in search of sounds, smells or atmospheres, or realize the existence of other types of stones underfoot; Then I took his picture. Or when I hear the call of a bird, how can I hold on to it?

At a very young age Siliya could see everything with his own eyes. Then took many pictures and painted. But at the age of 12, his life was cut short due to the loss of his eyesight after a car accident. Ten years ago, a professional photographer encouraged him to start working again. He asked to use other senses.

Celia Korn said, "Then I realized that a window had really opened between the sighted and the blind. After that realization, I felt the urge to start working again. Since then I have been taking pictures.

He said that he took the help of a special color recognition device for the blind. Through sound, that machine makes colors known. But the sad thing is that he cannot see the picture taken by himself. Then he has to take help from others.

A lot depends on who's doing the narrating, says Celia Korn. For example - my husband has known me for so long - he knows how to describe, I can understand, imagine. I feel like I'm seeing it with my own eyes. He himself decides which pictures will be exhibited. Saliyya jokes that if her husband ever tells her a lie, she can catch it.
