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Prabha's confession: 'I did not commit any major crime'

Popular small screen actress Sadia Jahan Pravar is all set to make her big screen debut with Anjan Aich's 'Roopvati'.

The Dhaka Times Desk Sadia Jahan Prabha. From acting on TV, he is now going to step into films. Popular small screen actress Sadia Jahan Pravar is going to make her big screen debut with Anjan Aich's 'Roopvati'.

প্রভার স্বীকারোক্তি: ‌‘আমি কোনো বড় অপরাধ করিনি’ 1

Popular small screen actress Sadia Jahan Pravar is going to make her big screen debut with Anjan Aich's 'Roopvati'. Although he acted in numerous dramas on the small screen, he was far away from movies. Now he is starting to work as a co-star of his favorite hero Ferdous in the first movie.

Sadia Jahan Prabha said, I liked the story of 'Roopvati' very much. I am going to act in this film by teaming up with Ferdous Bhai. Ferdous bhai is a wonderful person. He is my co-artist, it's a great feeling for me. I am a fan of his personality. I saw his film 'Sudden Rain' when I was in class four. Then I see more pictures of him. I like it very much.

Talking about her bad times, Prabha says, I had a bad time when I felt very helpless. Then my parents gave me a lot of time. Friends have also been very supportive. Among them, friends and relatives gave the most emotional support.

প্রভার স্বীকারোক্তি: ‌‘আমি কোনো বড় অপরাধ করিনি’ 2

Prabha said, I used to get frustrated sometimes. Later I would come back to my own strength. I think, those who love, they love a little. I want to emphasize that I have not committed any serious crime. I have not committed any crime that can shake my conscience. Yet every time I see, I am the unluckiest person in the world. Guilty of no crime. It could be my stupidity. I am not cunning, I am very arrogant. I am very articulate. I am very easy to understand. Because of these reasons I had to cheat again and again. Still, I didn't stop. Going forward and going forward like this.

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