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Grameen has tied up with Uniqlo Daraz

Japan's top brand Uniqlo started its first journey in Bangladesh under the name Uniqlo Social Business in September 2010

The Dhaka Times Desk At present fashion brand Grameen Uniqlo has signed an agreement with, the country's largest online shopping website.

গ্রামীন ইউনিক্লো দারাজের সঙ্গে চুক্তিবদ্ধ হলো 1

It is known that Japan's top brand Uniqlo started its first journey in Bangladesh in the name of Uniqlo Social Business in September 2010. Currently Grameen Uniqlo has a total of 14 stores in Bangladesh. Customers can currently purchase Grameen Uniqlo products from the comfort of their homes on the Daraz website (

The signing of the agreement was held at the headquarters of Daraj Bangladesh Limited in Banani. Grameen Uniqlo Managing Director Nazmul Haque and Daraz Bangladesh Managing Director Syed Mostahidul Haque signed this agreement.

Present on behalf of Grameen Uniqlo - Head of Merchandising and Production - Nishimura Mitsuyo, Marketing Manager - Md. Shariful Islam, Head of E-Commerce Division- Mehdi Faqid Hossain and others. Head of Commercial - Fuad Arefin, Head of Acquisition - Dibakar De Shubo, Senior Executive of Strategic Planning - Amitabh Chakraborty were present on behalf of Daraz Bangladesh.

Daraz Bangladesh Managing Director Syed Mostahidul Haque said, We have always been working towards customer satisfaction. Due to the agreement with Grameen Uniqlo, our number of branded fashion products increased further. News notification.

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