The Dhaka Times
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This young woman had to die in a cell phone explosion!

The 18-year-old girl's name is Uma Oram

The Dhaka Times Desk Mobile explosions are heard occasionally. This young woman had to die in a cell phone explosion!

এবার সেলফোন বিস্ফোরনে প্রাণ দিতে হলো তরুণীকে! 1

One such incident happened in India. A young woman died in a cellphone explosion there. One such incident happened in Kheriakani village of Odisha state, India. The 18-year-old girl's name is Uma Oram.

It is known that after lunch, Uma made a call on her cell phone and found that her set had no charge. As soon as he charges it and starts talking to someone, the phone explodes. He was injured instantly. After being taken to the hospital, the doctors declared him brought dead.

Images published online show the Nokia logo on the phone. It is believed to be a Nokia-5233 model phone. This model was launched in 2010.

It is not yet known what caused such an old model phone to explode. It is believed that the phone's battery overheated and caused the explosion.

It should be noted that cell phone explosions have happened in many places in the world before. iPhone, Samsung Galaxy smartphones also reported explosions.

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