Categories: Picturesque

Gold poured like rain at the airport!

The Dhaka Times Desk You may be surprised to hear such words. But it is true. And that is the gold that rained at the airport! But why?

According to media reports, about 200 bars of gold, platinum and precious stones worth hundreds of thousands of dollars were seen falling like rain at the Yakutsk airport in Russia!

This incident took place recently when the AN-12 aircraft of Nimbus Airlines took off from the airport in East Yakutia with about 9 tons of precious metals.

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The plane disintegrated immediately after take off due to damaged 'cargo hatch'. It later separated from the aircraft. About one-third of the gold bar falls down. The plane later made an emergency landing at the nearby Magan airport, according to reports.

Local authorities immediately stopped traffic inside the airport. After that, airport authorities started collecting the scattered precious metals.

An airport spokesperson said shortly after the incident that 172 bars had already been recovered. Its weight is about 3 and a half tons.

According to a police source, all the bars have been recovered. An investigation has been started to find out the cause of the incident.

Yakutsk airport authorities claimed there was no problem with the plane. They said the plane was completely ready to fly. It also landed successfully at the next airport.

This post was last modified on মার্চ ২১, ২০১৮ 8:45 am

Staff reporter

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