Russia will go to Mars before the US: Putin

The Dhaka Times Desk Russian President Vladimir Putin said that Russia will go to Mars before the United States. The Russians will reach the Red Planet one year before the American space research agency NASA.

Russia has announced that it will launch a mission to Mars in 2019. If successful, the Russians will reach the Red Planet one year before the US space research agency NASA.

Newsweek reported that in a documentary on Putin, the Russian president revealed his country's plans for space exploration. The documentary is also shared by many people on social media on the internet.

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Putin said, 'We plan to send first unmanned and then manned spacecraft into deep space to explore the Moon and Mars. The first campaign will start soon. We are planning to launch an expedition to Mars in 2019.'

Russian President Putin made the announcement shortly after NASA announced that it would begin exploring the possibility of life on Mars in 2020.

In the documentary aired just before the election, Putin announced the launch of a new project to go to the moon. However, he said that the new mission will be different from the missions launched during the Soviet era.

Putin also said, 'Our experts will try to land the spacecraft in the polar region of the Moon. There is a lot of room for improvement. Observing other planets and deep space can be started from there.'

However, Putin did not say exactly when in 2019 the expedition to Mars can be started.

It should be noted that the NASA mission is supposed to start between July and August 2020. At that time, Earth and Mars are in the most favorable conditions for landing spaceships.

This post was last modified on মার্চ ২১, ২০১৮ 10:01 am

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