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A taxi that will fly without a driver!

Once the battery is charged, it can fly alone for a distance of 100 km

The Dhaka Times Desk Now there is news of a taxi that will fly without a driver! Made in New Zealand, this electric air taxi can fly at a speed of 180 kilometers per hour.

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According to news media BBC, a company funded by Google founder Larry Page has announced the launch of an air taxi capable of flying alone. Made in New Zealand, this electric air taxi can fly at a speed of 180 kilometers per hour.

The Kitty Hawk company says its aircraft uses self-flying software. But humans can also take control of it if needed.

Once the battery is charged, it can fly alone for a distance of 100 km. Kitty Hawk officials believe that such aircraft could be used as air taxis in the future.

In general, this type of aircraft is called EVTOL, ie Electric Vertical Take-off and Landing. Although an airplane, it can take off directly from the ground like a helicopter. It can land on the ground like a helicopter.

According to experts, many companies are currently secretly researching EVTOL. Steve Wright, professor of aerospace engineering at the University of the West of England, finds Kitty Hawk's Cora model airplane design the most interesting.

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