The Dhaka Times
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A mother took a two-month-old child in her arms!

The house of the woman sitting on the floor is in Afghanistan

The Dhaka Times Desk In the hall, everyone took the exam sitting on the chair, but a mother came to the exam hall and took her two-month-old child in her arms! The incident created quite a sensation.

দুই মাস বয়সী সন্তানকে কোলে নিয়ে পরীক্ষা দিলেন এক মা! 1

Everyone is sitting on the chair while taking the exam in the hall. Then a young woman is sitting on the floor taking an exam. The work of viewing the questions and writing the answers is going on there. Recently such a picture went viral on the internet. One might think that as a punishment she had to sit on the floor to take the exam, but actually it is not, the woman came to the exam hall with her two-month-old child. Through this, the mother's genuine love for her child came out once again.

According to news media CNN, the house of the woman sitting on the floor is in Afghanistan. That woman's name is Jahan Tab. She is a student of a private university in Daykundi province, Afghanistan. 25 The husband of this resident woman is a farmer. Along with the family, Jahan Tab is also continuing his studies.

As there was no one in the family to look after the child, he was forced to take his two-month-old baby for examination. Keep the child next to you during the examination. But at one point, when the child started crying, Jahan Tab sat on the floor with him in his arms. Then he wrote like this for the rest of the exam.

Exam hall inspector Yahya Irfan, who witnessed the incident, took the picture. At the same time, he shared the picture and highlighted the mother's struggle for her child. However, he did not publish the picture immediately after the test, but the teacher published the picture with the child after passing the test! Jahan Tab, an Afghan woman from Dil, showed the society that many things can be done if you really want to.

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