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Celebrating Widav's 5th anniversary in a grand manner

The ceremony started auspiciously with the cutting of the cake

The Dhaka Times Desk The 5th anniversary of Widevs, the famous software company of the country, has been celebrated in a grand manner. On this occasion, yesterday (Sunday) an informal program was organized at the Mirpur DOHS office in the capital.

জাঁকজমকপূর্ণভাবে উইডেভস-এর ৫ম প্রতিষ্ঠাবার্ষিকী পালিত 1

The program begins in the evening. After that, the officials of the organization along with the invited guests presented their activities from the beginning of Widevs till now. Although Widevs was born on a very small scale five years ago, through the unrelenting efforts and action plan of the founders of the organization, the organization has emerged as a famous organization not only in Bangladesh but also in the world.

M Asif Rahman, CEO of Widevs, Tarek Hasan, Founder and CTO of Widevs, Nizam Uddin, Co-Founder and COO of Widevs spoke on the occasion. Among the distinguished persons are Luna Shamsuddoha, Chairman of Janata Bank Limited and Chairman of Dohatech New Media, AKM Shamsuddoha, President of Dohatech New Media, Munir Hasan, General Secretary of Bangladesh Open Source Network, Fahim Masrur, Founder of BDJobs, M Rashidul Hasan, Vice President of BASIS, Kausar, Founder of ZoomShaper. Ahmed and others were present.

জাঁকজমকপূর্ণভাবে উইডেভস-এর ৫ম প্রতিষ্ঠাবার্ষিকী পালিত 2

Luna Shamsuddoha, Chairman of Janata Bank Limited and Chairman of Dohatech New Media, in his speech, emphasized on the unimpeded progress of the young entrepreneurs of Widevs. Luna Shamsuddoha said, we don't want to sit at home anymore. We want to eliminate unemployment by planning work at home through the use of technology. Young people are no longer unemployed because of information technology. They can earn from home by using internet. He praised the founders of Widevs and its associates and assured to stand by them all the time.

General Secretary of Bangladesh Open Source Network Munir Hasan wished success to Widevs on its 5th anniversary and said that all those who are taking Widevs forward are young people. Today's success of Widows is the proof that the youth can bring success. Referring to the talents, Munir Hasan said, we have to work for the talents. More encouragement should be given to the work of the freshers. And this is the responsibility of the elders. He wished Widevs success in his reply.

Widevs CEO M Asif Rahman said that Widevs has gained fame not only in the country but also outside the country in a very short period of time. Referring to WordPress plugins, he said, WordPress plugins are developed by Wedevs, which solve various problems and open them up to small businesses, online stores and general users.

জাঁকজমকপূর্ণভাবে উইডেভস-এর ৫ম প্রতিষ্ঠাবার্ষিকী পালিত 3

Tarek Hasan, founder and CTO of Widevs, said that the plugin of Widevs is not to be mentioned - and that is 'shop'. More than 9000 marketplaces are using this solution. We want to take it further.

In his speech Nizam Uddin, Co-Founder and COO of Widevs said, Widevs has developed a unique application, WordPress ERP, which 5000+ companies in more than 200 countries around the world rely on to run their business. He notes that this is a big debt for widows. He asked everyone to pray for Widavs.

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