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Recipe: Delicious Egg Yolk

Egg yolk is a delicious dish that we can easily make and serve with our family, friends, and relatives.

The Dhaka Times Desk Today we have for you the recipe of delicious egg yolk. It is very easy to make. Let's know how to make this delicious egg yolk.

রেসিপি: সুস্বাদু ডিমের জর্দা 1


  • Egg-4
  • Liquid milk-1 cup
  • Sugar-1 cup
  • Grated Mawa-1/2 cup
  • Vanilla essence - little
  • Yellowish-slight
  • Nuts, chopped pistachios - 2 tbsp
  • Method of Preparation:
    Mix all the ingredients well with the beaten egg in a bowl. Now heat the ghee in a pan and add the egg mixture, stirring continuously. Take it down when it becomes smooth while stirring. Garnish and serve.

    Recipe: Dilara Parveen Rikta

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