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What is the secret of this viral picture on social media?

A lion cub is sitting on the trunk

The Dhaka Times Desk This picture recently went viral on social media. But what is the secret of this viral picture on social media? Do you know what it is? Find out the secret of becoming viral today!

সোশ্যাল মিডিয়ায় ভাইরাল হওয়া এই ছবির রহস্য কী? 1

According to media reports, an exceptional picture has gone viral around the world due to social media. Where a huge elephant can be seen walking on the forest path. A lion cub is sitting on its trunk. And the cub's mother is walking right next to him.

The photo on Twitter claimed the cub had become exhausted while walking with its mother in South Africa's Kruger National Park. So this elephant picked him up. The cub rode the elephant's trunk next to the mother for the rest of the way. This picture has billions of shares.

সোশ্যাল মিডিয়ায় ভাইরাল হওয়া এই ছবির রহস্য কী? 2Photos before photo editing!

But after it went viral, the truth came out within 24 hours. It is known that editing software Photoshop is used in the film. How photoshopped is also revealed step by step. But the work of Photoshop has been perfected so much that no one could catch it. But finally caught.
