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Earphones can cause serious ear damage

The World Health Organization (WHO) has recently released a report on this

The Dhaka Times Desk Whether we realize it or not, we use earphones everywhere. Especially in the current generation, there is a tendency to listen to music for hours on earphones. However, earphones can seriously damage the ears.

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Nowadays earphones are used everywhere to listen to music. Music is listened to in the ear for hours. And no one knows what serious damage can be caused by listening to music for such a long time.

You will be surprised to know that just as earphones help you live in your own world, they can completely cripple a body part! Earphones can cause serious damage to your ears. Experts say, you can go completely deaf because of these earphones, your all-time companion! This has been reported by the World Health Organization (WHO).

The World Health Organization (WHO) has recently released a report on this. According to the data, 1.1 billion teenagers, who use earphones almost all the time, can suffer serious hearing loss. The data also revealed that 12 to 35-year-olds are the most affected by earphones.

Another reason for damage is said to be that earphones from different companies are different. Some are very loud, some are very quiet. Similar to the sound of the microphone, the loud noise of the earphones is very harmful to the ears. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), if a person listens to music at 85 decibels for 1 hour continuously or listens to music at 100 decibels through earphones for just 15 minutes, serious ear damage can occur.

Nowadays, the use of technology is increasing day by day. There is a growing trend of misuse of technology especially among young teenagers. Incidents of accidents are also heard due to Prattah being busy with earphones. So to protect yourself from going deaf, stop using earphones, otherwise future generations will not be spared from going deaf.

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