Categories: Science-invention

The first people arrived in Saudi Arabia 85 thousand years ago!

The Dhaka Times Desk After a long research, archaeologists said that the first people arrived in Saudi Arabia 85,000 years ago! This claim is based on data from ancient human finger bones found in the Saudi desert.

Archaeologists claim that the first humans arrived in Saudi Arabia 85,000 years ago. The researchers made this claim based on data from ancient human finger bones found in the Saudi desert two years ago, according to media reports.

Archaeologists say that the finger bone is the first human fossil found in the Arabian Peninsula. According to scientists, the bone may belong to nomadic hunters who visited Saudi Arabia 85,000 years ago. Earlier, scientists got an idea about the human presence in Israel and China from the fossils of primitive people.

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Scientists say that after the development of humans in Africa 300,000 years ago, they migrated from the continent to different regions of the world several times.

The researchers said that the finger bone found in Saudi Arabia is the middle bone of a full-grown human. In 2016, fossils of that primitive man were recovered from five hundred kilometers southeast of the Sinai Peninsula.

Michael Petragila of the Max Planck Institute for Science and Human History in Germany told the media that it is believed that the primitive man left Africa through this peninsula.

According to the news of the New York Times, a report was published in the journal Nature about the animal world and evolution.

This post was last modified on এপ্রিল ১৯, ২০১৮ 12:32 pm

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