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Shakib Khan's house shooting 'Matal'!

The shooting of hero Shakib Khan's shooting house 'Jannat' is going on till 13th

The Dhaka Times Desk Bangladeshi superstar Shakib Khan's movie 'Matal' was shot at Pubail's house in Gazipur! Continuous shooting is going on till 13th. This shooting took place at Shakib Khan's shooting house 'Jannat'.

শাকিব খানের বাড়িতে ‘মাতাল’ ছবির শুটিং! 1

Shaheen Suman is directing the shooting of the film 'Matal'. The shooting of Shakib Khan's film 'Matal' continued till 13th at Pubail's house in Gazipur.

Director Shaheen Suman said, "We shot from last 7th till 13th at hero Shakib Khan's shooting house 'Jannat'."

Director Shaheen Suman said, 'We have almost finished the work. Only one part of the song is left to be shot. The surrounding location is not very popular. Otherwise, I would have finished all our shooting on the 15th and closed the camera. I hope to finish the work of the sequence here and finish the work of the song by the end of this month.'

Director Shaheen Suman also said, 'I have already finished editing. I will start dubbing from next 20th. Hopefully, we can get the film ready for the censor next month. Not only that, we are thinking that we will also register the film with the producer association for the release of the film very soon.'

Shaheen Suman said, I always make films keeping the audience's preferences in mind. That's why the audience likes me. Hopefully, this film will also be liked by the audience.'

The love triangle film is produced by Sony Movies International. Screenplay by Ferdous Hasan Rana. Apart from Simon, Adhara, another pair of model-actor Shipon and actress Orin are acting in the film. Sadek Bachchu, Joy Raj and many others are also acting in this film.

It is to be noted that on February 13 last year, the Maharat of the film 'Drunk' was held in a restaurant in the capital Dhaka. Since then the shooting is going on.

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