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Donald Trump wished Bengali New Year

"Our respect goes out to Bangladesh, India and the rest of the world who are coming together to welcome the New Year," President Trump said.

The Dhaka Times Desk US President Donald Trump has congratulated all the Bengalis of the world including Bangladesh on the occasion of Bengali New Year.

ডোনাল্ড ট্রাম্প বাংলা নববর্ষের শুভেচ্ছা জানালেন 1

On the occasion of Bengali New Year, United States President Donald Trump has congratulated all the Bengalis of the world including Bangladesh. Acting Secretary of State John J. on behalf of the US President on April 12. Sullivan conveyed the message in a statement. In the statement, he commented that Bangladeshi Americans are playing an important role in the economy and culture of the United States.

The New Year's greeting message also said, 'On behalf of President Trump and the people of America, I wish all the Bengalis of the world Happy New Year. We pay our respects to those who are coming together to welcome the New Year in Bangladesh, India and different parts of the world.'

In addition to greeting the US President on New Year, he also thanked the Bangladeshi American community for playing a large role in the economy, nation and culture of the United States. Wishing everyone a bright future in the new year, the statement said 'Happy New Year'.

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