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Actress Mona Lisa in Dhaka

Monalisa is very excited to come back to the country after a long time

The Dhaka Times Desk Popular model and TV actress Mona Lisa has returned to Dhaka after staying abroad for a long time. Monalisa is very excited to come back to the country after a long time.

ঢাকায় অভিনেত্রী মোনালিসা 1

Popular model and actress Mona Lisa has been living permanently in America for almost two years. He returned home on Thursday. After many days, Mona Lisa is very excited after returning home.

In one of his responses to the media, Monalisa said, I have returned to the country after almost two years. I was quite tired. So I took some rest. I spent this time alone with my mother and other family members.

Monalisa said, I want to spend Eid with my mother this year. To tell you the truth, I am very happy to be back home. Because I have come to the country at a time when I will meet many dear people. He mentions the matter of New Year to say the matter of meeting.

Monalisa said, this time she will act in dramas and telefilms, she also wants to work as a model in advertisements. If a song has a good story, he expressed his desire to work as a model for a music video.

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Incidentally, Mona Lisa has been working as a beauty advisor for the multinational company 'Sephora', which supplies world-famous cosmetics and beauty products, for the past two years in America. Besides, he also participated in a special program on the Bengali TV channel there on the special day of Bangladesh. Mona Lisa last visited Dhaka in April 2016.

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