Categories: the knowledge

Known-Unknown: Some unknown facts that we need to know

The Dhaka Times Desk Many events happen in our daily life which remain unknown to us, we are unaware of all the known and unknown information. Today there are some unknown facts that need to be known.

  • “level” শব্দটির অক্ষর গুলো উল্টে দিলেও তা একই থাকবে!!
  • “গ্রহরাজ” হিসেবে পরিচিত “বৃহস্পতি” গ্রহটি পৃথিবীর চেয়ে ১৩০০ গুন বড়!!
  • 'River D' is the smallest river in the world!!
  • Boys use an average of 2000 words and girls use an average of 5000 words in 24 hours!!
  • When 99% guy gets one letter wrong in his password, he immediately deletes the entire password with backspace and retypes it!!
  • Michael Dell, the owner of DELL Computer Company, started his business at the age of 19 with 1000 dollars!!
  • The length of DNA in bacteria called E.Coli is about 1.5 km.
  • Birth rate in August is higher than all other months?? That is, most birthdays are celebrated in the month of August in the world!!
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  • This post was last modified on এপ্রিল ১৯, ২০১৮ 11:32 pm

    Shahriar Siam

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