I wish I was a smartphone!!!!

The Dhaka Times Desk In school we have to write many types of essays. Most of the essays we read and understand from other books and then write in the exam. But if the essay is asked to write about the reality or your wishes then the nation can learn something from you.

A primary school exam asked me to write such an essay. The essay is, “Write an essay about your passion.” Many wrote essays about their wishes, many wrote I want to be a doctor. I want to be an engineer etc etc. But one little kid wrote an essay that you can't even imagine. Then read that essay.

I wish I were a smartphone:

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My parents love smartphones very much. But he doesn't love me. My father takes his smartphone with him wherever he goes. But he doesn't take me with him.

When the call came, my mother quickly went and picked up the phone. But mother does not come to me even if I cry. My father plays games on his smartphone. But don't play with me. I say to father, don't hold me for a while, father. But father does not take me in his arms. The smartphone is always in the father's lap.

I go and say to my mother, "Mom, don't come, play with me." But my mother got angry with me and said, can't you see I am chatting with your uncle now.

My parents wipe the smartphone with care every day. But I don't care at all. When my mom talks to dad on the phone, mom gives dad a pappy on the smartphone. But my mother never gave me pappi.

My father sleeps with his smartphone next to his head. But he never sleeps with me. My mother charges the smartphone four or five times a day. But sometimes my mother forgets to give me food. But my mother does not forget to charge the smartphone. So I will be a smartphone. I want to always be with my parents as a smartphone.

Think about when a child could write such an essay. How much pain he hid in his little heart. There are many people in our society who do not take proper care of their children but take proper care of their smartphones. We should give time to our children, caress them a little, play with them a little. Then your mind will be good and your child will be very happy.

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This post was last modified on জানুয়ারি ৪, ২০২১ 1:27 pm

Raihan Malitha

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