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Rainy season has arrived, the springs will be in full form

The 'Queen of Fountains' of Bangladesh is called 'Khaiachhra Fountain'

The Dhaka Times Desk Rainy season is starting. The springs will slowly appear on their own. Prepare yourself to go to Jharna in the coming Monsoon. Those who are not used to trekking can start with Khyachhara. Because this trekking is relatively easy.

Khaiyachora waterfalls:

A waterfall located in the hills of Mirsharai. Mirsrai's nine step fountain is amazing. Khaiachhra – It is undoubtedly one of the biggest springs in Bangladesh in terms of size and structure. Its total of 9 main steps and many isolated steps prove that no other such fountain has ever been seen in Bangladesh. There is a mountain in Khayachara where the fire is always burning (even in the rain), the fire never goes out. Tourists of the country are fascinated by the beauty of nature. Many people hang tents at the foot of the hill to enjoy the beauty of the waterfall in the moonlight at night. The beautiful creation of nature bridges, the fire of Banani form covered with green sheets pours out, where the nature plays in its mind, the people wash themselves from the boredom of the mechanical life by soaking themselves in the fountain flowing with the sound of jhum jhum. Many isolated steps, which have not been seen in any other fountain in Bangladesh so far. So 'Khiachhara' is called Bangladesh 'Queen of Fountains'

How to go:

Go to Feni by Night Turna Train (Fare Shobhan Chair-265, Shobhan-220, Sulav-135) Mail Train-90 from Feni Station by Auto to Mahipal Bus Stand (Fare 10) From Mahipal by Local Bus to Chittagong to Baratakia (Fare 40, Bargain Take) CNG from Baratakia to Khaiachara trekking from where it starts (fare 20 per person) then trek to Khaiachara 😀

Keep in mind that the path to the waterfall is rough and the rocks can be slippery. So be careful. In case of a serious accident, it will be very difficult to get back through that impassable road. So take good grip trekking shoes and bamboo.

Disagree Take care that you do not cause any damage to the environment. Don't offend nature by throwing away something perishable.

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