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Construction of entertainment city is being inaugurated in Saudi today

It is part of a multi-billion dollar project undertaken in an effort to diversify the oil-dependent economy

The Dhaka Times Desk The radical Islamist state of Saudi Arabia is slowly undergoing reforms. Today (Wednesday) the construction work of entertainment city is being inaugurated in Saudi.

সৌদিতে আজ বিনোদন নগরী নির্মাণ কাজের উদ্বোধন হচ্ছে 1

Saudi King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud will inaugurate the construction of an 'entertainment city' near Riyadh today (Wednesday), media reports said.

It is part of the country's reform program and multi-billion dollar projects to diversify its oil-dependent economy. Saudi authorities told the media.

Officials said the 334 square kilometer mega project in Kidiya, southwest of Riyadh, will house Walt Disney along with theme parks, motor sports facilities and a safari park.

In this regard, the project officer Fahad bin Abdullah Tausi said, direct and indirect economic benefits will be obtained from this project.

Kidia CEO Michel Rininger said he hopes the project will attract foreign investors, particularly in Saudi Arabia's entertainment and other sectors. However, the total cost of the project has not been specified yet.

It should be noted that the Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman is trying to make major changes in various fields of Saudi Arabia in his own style. He is the main initiator of the country's far-reaching 'Vision 2030' reform program.

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