Categories: Science-invention

Learn how to make a good egg float.

The Dhaka Times Desk We generally know that eggs get spoiled inside and gas is produced, so bad eggs float in water but good eggs sink in water. But today we will learn how to float good eggs.

Man is a very curious animal. And from this curiosity we can learn and discover many things.
There are many scientific experiments that amaze us. Floating good eggs in water is one of them. Then learn how to float good eggs.

*First you take a big cup or glass so that the egg can easily sink into it.

* Take enough water to submerge the egg in that glass.

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* Leave a good egg in that glass of water. If the egg sinks, the egg is good.

*Now keep the egg out of the glass.

* In that glass of water, one fourth part of water should be mixed well. (Stir well with a stick or spoon). (The more salt you add, the better.)

* Now release the submerged egg again in the salted glass of water. Surely the egg will be floating now. No matter how hard you try to sink the egg, the egg will still float. The more salt you add to the glass of water, the more it will float.

Explanation: The density of water is increased due to adding enough salt to the water. So the good egg floats in the water.

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This post was last modified on এপ্রিল ২৬, ২০১৮ 3:35 pm

Raihan Malitha

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