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YouTube deleted 8 million videos!

The YouTube authorities took this decision after receiving many complaints about some videos in the 3 months from October to December last year

The Dhaka Times Desk YouTube, the most popular video sharing site in the Internet world, has deleted 8 million videos of its members!

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YouTube is a very popular video sharing site in today's internet world. YouTube Video has been providing members with the facility to upload, view and share videos. This site also has many essential facilities like video review, opinion giving etc.

8.3 million videos have been removed by YouTube in 3 months for not following the recently set community guidelines. It is mentioned in the quarterly 'Enforcement Report' that YouTube authorities took such a decision after receiving many complaints about some videos in the 3 months from October to December last year.

YouTube authorities said they received 9.1 million requests to remove sexual videos in 3 months. On the other hand, about 47 lakh complaints of hate speech or insulting video posts were also received.

YouTube authorities said 6.7 million videos were flagged and sent to moderators. The videos were later deleted. But 76 percent of it was not seen by anyone other than the moderator.

According to YouTube authorities, special information about the videos is kept to track whether the removed videos are being re-uploaded.

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