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If you want to sit for the job test, you must write caste!

This should be the general rule for anyone entering government service through education

The Dhaka Times Desk If you want to sit for the job test, you must write caste! Such a strange incident has started in India. The job candidates there have been asked to write the caste during the medical examination. A lot of criticism has started on this matter.

চাকরী পরীক্ষায় বসতে হলে লিখতে হবে জাত! 1

Human identity is in action. It is only natural that actions will tell a man about himself. Moreover, job eligibility can never be based on caste. This should be the general rule for anyone entering government service through education. However, an exception has occurred in one state of India.

There, during the physical examination of constable recruitment, every candidate had to write his caste on the body! After that, their medical examination was taken. One such incident happened in the Indian state of Madhya Pradesh.

A hospital authority in Dhar district of Madhya Pradesh issued such a strange order before the exam. That's why the candidates are forced to write Scheduled Castes, Tribes, Adivasis, General on their body and come to take the exam!

According to media reports, physical examination of the candidates for constable recruitment of Madhya Pradesh government was being conducted in that hospital last Sunday. In order to identify Scheduled Castes, Tribes, Tribals and general candidates separately in that examination, the hospital authorities ordered the candidates to write caste on their bodies.

The hospital informed that last year the timing of this test went wrong. That is why this time to avoid that mistake, the examinees are instructed to write their caste on their body.

Meanwhile, in such a bizarre incident, Superintendent of Police of Dhar district of Madhya Pradesh Birendra Singh said, it is a very serious incident. The matter has been ordered to be investigated. Necessary action will be taken after investigation.

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