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The story of a village that gives food to the graves of the dead!

If you enter a village in Andhra Pradesh, India, you will feel like you have come to a cemetery!

The Dhaka Times Desk After a person dies, there is no relationship with him. That is the normal rule of the world. But today there is a story of a village where food is given to the graves of the dead!

মৃতদের কবরে খাবার দেওয়া হয় এমন এক গ্রামের গল্প! 1

That country is none other than India. If you enter a village in Andhra Pradesh, India, you will feel like you have come to a cemetery! The question naturally comes to mind. The reason is that there is one or two graves in front of every house in the village of Ayya Konda in Kurnool district of Andhra Pradesh! There is also food in front of the grave! Why these foods?

According to media reports, this Aya Konda village is located on the lap of a hill about 66 km from the district headquarters. About 150 families of Maladasari community live here.

In this community, there is a long tradition of burying dead relatives in front of the house.

The people of the house go to work every day passing these graves. The living members of the family offer puja and prasad to the grave every day. Not only that, no one eats what is cooked at home without putting it in the grave!

Village panchayat chief Srinivasulu told the media, “Spiritual guru Nalla Reddy and his disciple Mala Dasari Chintala Muniswamy have dedicated themselves for the development of this village. They worked hard for the development of the whole village. Also spent a lot of money. To pay tribute to their work, they have a temple in the village, where puja is held regularly. It is customary in this village to bury dead members of their own family in front of the house just like honoring those Gurus.”

Puja is offered or Prasad is given not only in the graves. If someone buys appliances like fans, TV, they are also placed in front of the grave before using them!

Srinivasulu said that it is very difficult to overcome the blind faith that the people of the village have. Therefore, they are trying hard to spread education among children and teenagers, so that they can grow up and get out of those superstitions.

Srinivasulu said that an anganwadi center should also be opened for the education and care of children. That is why a request has been made to the government for a small piece of land at the foot of the hill. In general, the local panchayat wants to spread education among children to eliminate superstition.

However, the village Samajpati Rangaswamy said, "If the customs that we have been following for many ages are stopped, then all of us may suffer. One reason we are worried is that in the future there will be no place for burial in this village. What will happen to us then!”

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