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Dogs wait 12 hours for the owner at the station every day!

The story of dogs being devoted to God is not new. But this time the story is really worth it

The Dhaka Times Desk The history of dog worship is not new. This time too there has been news of such a God-fearing dog. The dog waits 12 hours a day for its owner at the station.

স্টেশনে প্রতিদিন মালিকের জন্য ১২ ঘণ্টা অপেক্ষা কুকুরের! 1

The story of dogs being devoted to God is not new. But this time the story is really worth it. This time, a similar incident happened in China's southwestern city called Chongqing.

According to media reports, a dog waits at least 12 hours a day for its owner at a railway station in Chongqing city. Every morning after coming out of the house with the owner, the dog sits at the station. When the owner returns from the office, the dog returns home with him. This is his daily routine - this is how the dog devotee works.

The owner of the dog said on condition of anonymity, "The dog has been with me for about 8 years. He is a very calm dog. He does not eat anything unless he gives it himself.'

Locals of the railway station said, 'He is seen every day between 7/8 in the morning when his owner goes to the office. From then on, he waited, always happy to be seen waiting. The dog does not pose any threat to anyone.'

This dog has become a star in social media including online news media. A video of the dog was spotted on the popular Peer Video website.

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