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Do not read such a humorous and educational story!

Stories should not only be humorous but should also be educational

The Dhaka Times Desk Many of us love to read stories. But if the story is educational and humorous then the fun is a little more. So let's read a French story.

এমন রসাত্মক এবং শিক্ষণীয় গল্পটি না পড়লে পস্তাবেন! 1

In a famous bank in France, during the bank robbery, the leader of the bandit took a gun and said to everyone, "Don't make any movement, the money goes to the government but your life goes. So think carefully and decide your next step.”
After hearing this, everyone calmed down to save themselves and lay down quietly with their heads down.
This is called
“Mind Changing Concept”
That is, to convert people's brains to your advantage.

While everyone was lying down, a beautiful female officer inadvertently let her clothes rise a little above her legs. The bandit leader looked at him and shouted, “Fix your clothes! We came to rob a bank, not to rape."
This is called
“Being Professional”
That is, you will do what you came to do. No matter how tempting it is, attention cannot be diverted.

When the dacoits returned to their hideout after the robbery…..then a young dacoit (MBA pass) said to the leader of the dacoit gang (who studied up to Class 5) “Boss let me count the money.”
The leader of the bandit group smiled and said, there is no need to count the money. A little later, when we leave the TV, the news channels will tell us how much money we have brought.
This is called
That is, experience is the best proof that it can work beyond the traditional certificate.
As soon as the robbers left, the bank employee... rushed to the bank manager and said, Sir, hurry up and call the police.... If you call now, they won't be able to go far.
The bank manager stopped the employee and said, "We should let them take this 20 million rupees if we need them, then the 70 million rupees we have misappropriated can be continued through this robbery."
This is called
"Swim with the tide"
That is, to use your own danger wisely as your own advantage.
After some time there was a report on TV, a robbery of 100 million rupees in a bank robbery. The robbers could not raise more than 20 million despite counting the money after seeing that report. The leader of the robbers got angry and said, "Shala, we risked our lives, managed so much and took only 20 million rupees. And the bank manager removed 80 million rupees with just one stroke of the pen. It would have been more beneficial if he had studied instead of becoming a school thief."
This is called
"Knowledge is worth as much as gold!"
That is, Musi is bigger than Aussie.
The bank manager is laughing because his profit is 80 million. Despite the misappropriation of 70 million rupees, he has put another 10 million rupees in his pocket.
This is called
“Seizing the opportunity/Daring to take risks!”
That is, if there is an opportunity, he should be used.
Who benefited from this robbery?
There are many lessons and takeaways in this story.

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