The Dhaka Times
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Bangabandhu satellite is going into space tonight

Falcon-9 rocket launch test has already been successfully completed

The Dhaka Times Desk The country's first communication satellite 'Bangabandhu-1' is going into space tonight. It is scheduled to go into space at 2:14 PM tonight.

আজ রাতে মহাকাশে যাচ্ছে বঙ্গবন্ধু স্যাটেলাইট 1

The country's first communication satellite 'Bangabandhu-1' is being launched into space tonight. It was supposed to go into space last night but was postponed due to inclement weather.

Minister of State for Information Tarana Halim said, 'The satellite is fully ready for launch. If the weather is favorable, the satellite will be launched into space (today).'

It is known that the Bangabandhu-1 satellite will be launched from Florida's Cape Canaveral launch pad through the Falcon-9 rocket of the US private company SpaceX.

Falcon-9 rocket launch test has already been successfully completed. The final launch date is decided after analyzing the data received from this test.

Bangabandhu-1 satellite project director Mohammad Mezbahuzzaman said, 'Falcon-9 rocket will take this Bangabandhu-1 communication satellite weighing 3.5 tons into space. It will take 8 days to reach the specified slot in space.

Note that this satellite will play a major role in the information technology sector of Bangladesh in the current technology-dependent era. This is the first satellite in the history of Bangladesh.

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