The Dhaka Times
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First time Bangladeshi woman in Miss America pageant

The Dhaka Times Desk Bangladeshi immigrants are participating in the Miss America pageant for the first time. Parmita Mitra, a Bangladeshi immigrant living in the United States, is the first Bangladeshi contestant.


It is known that the competition will be held in Las Vegas at 8:30 pm local time on Sunday. American NBC television will broadcast various episodes of the Miss America pageant live.

Parmita is the first Bangladeshi immigrant to participate in the Miss America pageant. Regarding participating in the Miss America pageant, Paramita said that she has been preparing for a long time to participate in this beautiful pageant that has aroused the attention of the American country.

It may be noted that in 1992 Parmita went to the United States with her family, when she was only one year old. Parmita Mitra lives in Mississippi and is studying aerospace engineering.

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