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How to make different colored juices in a glass

Make different colored layered juices in a glass very easily

The Dhaka Times Desk You can surprise your loved ones with a glass of colorful juice when guests arrive at home. So let's learn the formula for making colorful juice.

কিভাবে একটি গ্লাসে বিভিন্ন রংয়ের জুস তৈরি করবেন 1

When guests arrive at our house or we ourselves often make juice and eat it. If the juice is of different colors, it will be fun to eat as well as look beautiful.

* To make this juice, first you need to take a little bit of different colored fruit juice.

* Pour some amount of colored juice into a glass.

* Then slowly pour some amount of other colored juice from one corner of the glass with a dropper or spoon.
In this way keep pouring different colored juices slowly.

Now notice that the different colored juices are at different levels in your glass. This is because juices of different colors are at different levels due to their different densities. But be careful if two juices of the same concentration are poured into a glass, they will mix together. So first you need to estimate the density of each of the juices.

There is a science hidden in it. That is, the more dense the liquid, the lower the glass.

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