The Dhaka Times
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Saad Shah's 'Baanchi Tor Nisshwa' Released [VIDEO]

The lyrics of this song are written by Faisal Rabbikin, composed by Momin Khan

The Dhaka Times Desk As an artist-composer, young generation musician Saad Shah has already been widely appreciated through several songs. His song was published for the first time this year.

প্রকাশ পেয়েছে সাদ শাহ'র ‘বাঁচি তোর নিঃশ্বাসে’ [ভিডিও] 1

As an artist-composer, young generation musician Saad Shah has already been widely appreciated through several songs. His song was published for the first time this year.

Saad Shah's new song is titled 'Baanchi Tor Nisshwa'. The lyrics of this song are written by Faisal Rabbikeen. Composed by Momin Khan and composed by Saad himself.

The new song along with the video was released on Tiger Media's YouTube channel last Thursday evening. Rakib Ahmed directed the video of this new song. Saad was accompanied by Shakila Parveen as a model.

প্রকাশ পেয়েছে সাদ শাহ'র ‘বাঁচি তোর নিঃশ্বাসে’ [ভিডিও] 2

Regarding the song, Saad Shah said, the lyrics and melody of the song are very like my heart. Its video has been made in conjunction with it. Big thanks to Tiger Media for supporting the release of this song. I believe the audience will like this song very much.

Watch the video

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