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Another mysterious place in the world surrounded by mystery is the Nazca Line

Scientists have not yet discovered the secret of Peru's Nazca Lines

The Dhaka Times Desk Earth is a mysterious planet. Around which there are many mysteries. Over the ages many mysteries have been uncovered with the help of science and technology. Yet there are many mysteries that are yet to be uncovered. One such mysterious place is the Nazca Lines in Peru. The main secret of which scientists have not yet discovered. So let's find out today what secrets are hidden in this Nazca line.

রহস্য ঘেরা পৃথিবীর আরেকটি রহস্যময় জায়গা হলো নাজকা লাইন 1

The Nazca Lines are some of the giant geoglyphs or geoglyphs carved in the Nazca Desert in southern Peru. There are more than 10,000 lines drawn across an area of about 500 square kilometers of this desert. The Nazca Lines are among Peru's UNESCO World Heritage Sites. It can also be said to be the most popular place among the traditional places in Peru. These landscapes painted across the Nazca Plateau are so large that their structure cannot be understood unless viewed from the sky. But they are also visible from the foothills of nearby high mountains or from any place of similar height. There is a long straight line running down the middle of the Nazca Desert, with a series of parallel lines running along its sides for a certain distance. There are various geometric designs like triangles, quadrilaterals, rectangles, parallelograms. If you look closely, there are more than 900 geoglyphs along with 70 animals like birds, monkeys, dogs, whales, spiders, etc. and more than 300 landforms.

In 1553, the Nazca Lines were first mentioned in a book by a Peruvian author-storyteller 'Pedro Ciza de Leon'. In the book, however, the author mistakenly refers to these lines as guide lines. Later, in the 18th century, a Peruvian pilot observed these lines from the sky while flying over the Nazca desert. Because the lines are so large, there is no way to understand their true structure from the ground. Then in 1927 Peruvian archaeologist 'Toribio Mejia Jessop' discovered the lines at the foot of a high mountain while visiting the Nazca Desert. The giant lines intrigued Toribio.
In 1940-41, American historian 'Paul Cusack' came to Peru to research the irrigation systems of various ancient civilizations. At that time, while flying over the Nazca lines in a plane, he noticed a bird-like shape between the lines and became curious about these lines. When he began researching these lines, he was joined by the German mathematician and archaeologist Maria Reich. Then the Nazca Line became the center of interest of various archaeologists and researchers. Lines of various shapes are being discovered. New information about this line comes out through various researches.

রহস্য ঘেরা পৃথিবীর আরেকটি রহস্যময় জায়গা হলো নাজকা লাইন 2

In fact, there is no clear idea about who drew the Nazca lines. However, most researchers believe that the natives of Nazca drew the lines in the Nazca desert between 200 BC and 600 AD. Another group of researchers think that the Inca civilization started from this region. The people of the Inca civilization drew these lines by spending their talent, labor, skill and time. Many believe that extraterrestrial beings came to Earth and drew the Nazca lines as their guide.

There is disagreement not only about who drew them, but also about how these monstrous lines were drawn. Thousands of years ago when science and technology had no touch in human life, how were the lines drawn! Because these large lines are not clearly discernible unless one rises from a plane or at the foot of a high mountain. How did they draw those lines? In this case, one has to think about aliens. Because it is somewhat doubtful to think that such a difficult design was made by man in ancient times. The Nazca desert is covered with reddish iron oxide-rich gravel. Below this is the porcelain layer. Perhaps, the Nazca lines were drawn with a sharp piece of wood or stone dug into the hard rocky surface of the land. These lines are four to six inches deep. If drawn on normal ground, the lines would have been erased many years ago due to natural changes like wind flow, erosion, rainfall etc. But the extreme weather and topography of the Nazca desert has left the lines intact after thousands of years in the airless, dry, and almost rainless soil. Maybe one day this mystery will be revealed. But some of his curiosity will last a lifetime. Of course, if there is no mystery, the world can no longer be called a mysterious world. In this way, mysteries will be revealed in the world and new mysteries will be created. And people will be curious to uncover this mystery.

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