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Researchers have discovered the world's largest death pit

Recently, this strange information was found when conducting research there.

The Dhaka Times Desk A death pit is a place where it is impossible for animals to survive. Researchers have discovered such a death well in the world. The nearly oxygen-free area of the Gulf of Oman covers an area of more than 78,000 square meters, which is larger than Scotland. Researchers say that no animal can survive in that vast area of the Gulf of Oman.

বিশ্বের সবচেয়ে বড় মৃত্যুকূপের সন্ধান পেয়েছেন গবেষকরা 1

Although the area of the Arabian Sea was relatively small earlier, its area is gradually increasing. This information has emerged in a joint effort between the University of East Anglia in London and Sultan Qaboos University in Oman. Due to disputes over territorial ownership of the large area and pirates, no research has been carried out there before. However, after solving the problem, this strange information was found when conducting research there recently.

The researchers sent a robot to the area and found that the oxygen content is very low. Because of this, no fish or animals can survive there. The researchers used robots called Seagliders in the area to get accurate data. This robot can go as deep as 1000 meters of water. Researchers say they have found areas of the death pit where there is no oxygen at all. Oxygen is essential for the survival of animals. And because of this large area of oxygen, no animal can survive here.

In other oceans of the world, oxygen levels are low in water at depths of 200 to 800 meters. But this area is much less oxygen than that. They said that this disaster will not only affect the seabed, but also the surrounding coastal areas in the future. Researchers believe that climate change is solely responsible for this disaster. Therefore, if weather and climate disasters are not controlled, the size of this area will increase further.

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