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What would be the answer to the question "Where do you want to see yourself in 5 years?"

Make sure that the answer does not in any way contradict the job you are interviewing for

The Dhaka Times Desk The most important thing to get a good job is to present yourself correctly in the interview. Wherever you apply for a job in the world, you will face an interview. Every company can identify the right and suitable employee through interview.

কি উত্তর দিবেন এই প্রশ্নের “৫ বছর পর আপনি নিজেকে কোথায় দেখতে চান?” 1

You may be asked many types of questions in the interview. But the interviewers pay attention to how you answer some of the necessary questions, even if you don't give importance to the answers to the unnecessary questions in those questions. One such question is, 'Where do you want to see yourself in 5 years?' The question is as simple as the answer but not that simple. Because by answering these questions they will understand your main goals, plans and breadth of thinking. Because where do you want to see yourself after 5 years, they will want to know what the main results of your 5 year activities will be or what you can achieve in 5 years.

Suppose you went to an interview somewhere as an accountant, when one of the interviewers asked you this question, how would you answer it? For example,

” Thanks, 5 years is a long time. However, nothing can be directly said about what can happen after 5 years. But much can be expected by own experience and effort. If I get the opportunity to work for this long time in your reputed company, then I will try to develop myself as an efficient and honest accountant. I believe, there is ample opportunity in your company to acquire this skill. And I want to utilize these opportunities by sharing my experience with other skilled employees of this company.”

Make sure that the answer to the question What do you want to be does not contradict the job you are interviewing for. Because if your goals have nothing to do with the job you are interviewing for, the interviewers will not consider you a good fit for the job. So keep eye contact with them and try to answer the question correctly.

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